Shree Rasayani’s Ferrozinc is an eco-friendly alkaline zinc-iron alloy deposition process and it represents advancement over the well established Alkozink process for plating of zinc. The zinc-iron alloy deposition process is based on new generation chemicals and provides an eco-friendly alternative to cyanide based alkaline zinc plating systems. Not only is the effluent treatment much simpler, the zinc-iron electrodeposits are bright and ductile as those obtained from the usual alkaline zinc plating baths. In addition to this, the electrodeposited alloy is very receptive to conversion coatings based on trivalent chromium. The components can be black or yellow-iridescent passivated quite easily using eco-friendly formulations that are free of the hexavalent chromium. Also, the Ferrozinc process has all the advantages of an alkaline system like good throwing power and narrow thickness distribution over complex geometries.